The traits of good leaders and how you can gain skills for success on the job

October 15, 2019

Successful leaders have the skills to guide organizations on the right path. Such men and women are often the first up for promotions, and routinely relied on for critical projects. Solidifying your own leadership qualities can be just what you need to land a great job and start climbing the corporate ladder.
Good leaders often share a key array of skills. Below are some of the qualities that make strong workplace leaders.

Being able to communicate effectively with all of the people in your work environment and beyond is one of the most essential leadership skills you can possess. Honest communication can build trust and being open to feedback can ensure that everyone is working toward a common goal. Effectively communicating means knowing when to speak and when to listen.

It can be challenging to manage or oversee others if you can’t effectively take charge of your own tasks. Being able to self-manage involves gaining control and prioritizing goals and actions. However, it also extends to being able to manage emotions, recognize weaknesses and strengths and focus attention where it’s needed.

Great leaders are trusted by others. Consistently acting with decorum and respect and delivering on your promises will inspire others to trust you. Stick to your core beliefs and values.

Effective leaders have the confidence to make decisions and stand by them. Note that there is a fine line between assertive confidence and being boastful or cocky. It may take a little while to develop the right balance that encourages others to support your efforts.

Delegating tasks is not a sign of weakness. In fact, it is a quality consistently found in strong leaders. Being able to delegate means you have the confidence in others to share responsibilities based on their skill sets. Delegating also promotes teamwork and lets others know you’re not afraid to share success.

Leaders make mistakes just like everyone else. Owning your mistakes like you own accomplishments is a good trait to have. Placing blame elsewhere when it’s not warranted can diminish others’ trust in you, while taking blame when it’s due will only increase that trust in you.

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